Fuel Testing


Protect your generator system

Many generator systems utilize diesel fuel as their primary fuel source. Over time, if left untreated, diesel fuel is at risk contamination and tends to degrade.  Standby generators are especially at risk due to long periods of idle time.  By having your fuel system inspected and treated periodically, you are limiting these threats and protecting your generator system from more costly repairs down the road.

Having your diesel fuel and tanks tested will detect any foreign substances or possible deterioration before a more serious issue arises.

Fuel polishing is a process in which diesel fuel is run through a series of high-micron filters and returned to its tank more after all contaminants and water have been separated. No fuel is lost throughout this process and it has the ability to prolong the life of your engine.

Diesel fuel can also be treated with additives that fight the growth of algae and other micro-organisms that can naturally occur in the fuel. The additives also help in the prevention of gelling in colder temperatures and assist in the stabilization and lubrication of the fuel.

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